George B. Mertzios, Hendrik Molter, Malte Renken, Paul G. Spirakis, and Philipp Zschoche:
The complexity of transitively orienting temporal graphs
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. (2025)
MFCS 2021
arXiv (2021)
Vincent Froese, Pascal Kunz, and Philipp Zschoche:
Disentangling the Computational Complexity of Network Untangling
Theory Comput. Syst. (2024)
IJCAI 2022
arXiv (2022)
Hendrik Molter, Malte Renken, and Philipp Zschoche:
Temporal reachability minimization: Delaying vs. deleting
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. (2024)
MFCS 2021
arXiv (2021)
Philipp Zschoche:
Restless Temporal Path Parameterized Above Lower Bounds
STACS 2023
arXiv (2022)
Nina Klobas, George B. Mertzios, Hendrik Molter, Rolf Niedermeier, and Philipp Zschoche:
Interference-free walks in time: temporally disjoint paths
Auton. Agents Multi Agent Syst. (2023)
IJCAI 2021
arXiv (2021)
Till Fluschnik, Rolf Niedermeier, Carsten Schubert, and Philipp Zschoche:
Multistage s-t Path: Confronting Similarity with Dissimilarity
Algorithmica (2023)
ISAAC 2020
arXiv (2020)
Matthias Bentert, André Nichterlein, Malte Renken, and Philipp Zschoche:
Using a Geometric Lens to Find k-Disjoint
Shortest Paths
SIAM J. Discret. Math. (2023)
ICALP 2021
arXiv (2020)
George B. Mertzios, Hendrik Molter, Rolf Niedermeier, Viktor Zamaraev, and Philipp Zschoche:
Computing maximum matchings in temporal graphs
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. (2023)
STACS 2020
arXiv (2019)
Philipp Zschoche:
Parameterized algorithmics for time-evolving structures: temporalizing
and multistaging (Parametrisierte Algorithmik fuer zeitabhaengige
Strukturen: Temporalisierung and Mehrstufigkeit)
TU Berlin, Germany (2022)
Philipp Zschoche:
A faster parameterized algorithm for temporal matching
Inf. Process. Lett. (2022)
arXiv (2020)
Till Fluschnik, Rolf Niedermeier, Valentin Rohm, and Philipp Zschoche:
Multistage Vertex Cover
Theory Comput. Syst. (2022)
IPEC 2019
arXiv (2019)
Leon Kellerhals, Malte Renken, and Philipp Zschoche:
Parameterized Algorithms for Diverse Multistage Problems
ESA 2021
arXiv (2021)
Leon Kellerhals, Tomohiro Koana, André Nichterlein, and Philipp Zschoche:
The PACE 2021 Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments
Challenge: Cluster Editing
IPEC 2021
Aleksander Figiel, Leon Kellerhals, Rolf Niedermeier, Matthias Rost, Stefan Schmid, and Philipp Zschoche:
Optimal Virtual Network Embeddings for Tree Topologies
SPAA 2021
arXiv (2021)
Arnaud Casteigts, Anne-Sophie Himmel, Hendrik Molter, and Philipp Zschoche:
Finding Temporal Paths Under Waiting Time Constraints
Algorithmica (2021)
ISAAC 2020
arXiv (2019)
René van Bevern, Oxana Yu. Tsidulko, and Philipp Zschoche:
Representative families for matroid intersections, with applications
to location, packing, and covering problems
Discret. Appl. Math. (2021)
CIAC 2019
arXiv (2018)
Tomohiro Koana, Viatcheslav Korenwein, André Nichterlein, Rolf Niedermeier, and Philipp Zschoche:
Data Reduction for Maximum Matching on Real-World Graphs: Theory and
ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics (2021)
ESA 2018
arXiv (2018)
Till Fluschnik, Hendrik Molter, Rolf Niedermeier, Malte Renken, and Philipp Zschoche:
As Time Goes By: Reflections on Treewidth for Temporal Graphs
Treewidth, Kernels, and Algorithms - Essays Dedicated to Hans L. Bodlaender
on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday
arXiv (2020)
Till Fluschnik, Hendrik Molter, Rolf Niedermeier, Malte Renken, and Philipp Zschoche:
Temporal graph classes: A view through temporal separators
Theor. Comput. Sci. (2020)
WG 2018
arXiv (2018)
Philipp Zschoche, Till Fluschnik, Hendrik Molter, and Rolf Niedermeier:
The complexity of finding small separators in temporal graphs
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. (2020)
MFCS 2018
arXiv (2017)
Leon Kellerhals, Viatcheslav Korenwein, Philipp Zschoche, Robert Bredereck, and Jiehua Chen:
On the Computational Complexity of Variants of Combinatorial Voter
Control in Elections
TAMC 2017
arXiv (2017)