
Vincent Froese, Pascal Kunz, and Philipp Zschoche:
Disentangling the Computational Complexity of Network Untangling
Theory Comput. Syst. (2024)  |  IJCAI 2022  |  arXiv (2022)  |  BibTeX

Hendrik Molter, Malte Renken, and Philipp Zschoche:
Temporal reachability minimization: Delaying vs. deleting
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. (2024)  |  MFCS 2021  |  arXiv (2021)  |  BibTeX

Philipp Zschoche:
Restless Temporal Path Parameterized Above Lower Bounds
STACS 2023  |  arXiv (2022)  |  BibTeX

Nina Klobas, George B. Mertzios, Hendrik Molter, Rolf Niedermeier, and Philipp Zschoche:
Interference-free walks in time: temporally disjoint paths
Auton. Agents Multi Agent Syst. (2023)  |  IJCAI 2021  |  arXiv (2021)  |  BibTeX

Till Fluschnik, Rolf Niedermeier, Carsten Schubert, and Philipp Zschoche:
Multistage s-t Path: Confronting Similarity with Dissimilarity
Algorithmica (2023)  |  ISAAC 2020  |  arXiv (2020)  |  BibTeX

Matthias Bentert, André Nichterlein, Malte Renken, and Philipp Zschoche:
Using a Geometric Lens to Find k-Disjoint Shortest Paths
SIAM J. Discret. Math. (2023)  |  ICALP 2021  |  arXiv (2020)  |  BibTeX

George B. Mertzios, Hendrik Molter, Rolf Niedermeier, Viktor Zamaraev, and Philipp Zschoche:
Computing maximum matchings in temporal graphs
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. (2023)  |  STACS 2020  |  arXiv (2019)  |  BibTeX

Philipp Zschoche:
Parameterized algorithmics for time-evolving structures: temporalizing and multistaging (Parametrisierte Algorithmik fuer zeitabhaengige Strukturen: Temporalisierung and Mehrstufigkeit)
TU Berlin, Germany (2022)  |  BibTeX

Philipp Zschoche:
A faster parameterized algorithm for temporal matching
Inf. Process. Lett. (2022)  |  arXiv (2020)  |  BibTeX

Till Fluschnik, Rolf Niedermeier, Valentin Rohm, and Philipp Zschoche:
Multistage Vertex Cover
Theory Comput. Syst. (2022)  |  IPEC 2019  |  arXiv (2019)  |  BibTeX

Leon Kellerhals, Malte Renken, and Philipp Zschoche:
Parameterized Algorithms for Diverse Multistage Problems
ESA 2021  |  arXiv (2021)  |  BibTeX

Leon Kellerhals, Tomohiro Koana, André Nichterlein, and Philipp Zschoche:
The PACE 2021 Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments Challenge: Cluster Editing
IPEC 2021  |  BibTeX

George B. Mertzios, Hendrik Molter, Malte Renken, Paul G. Spirakis, and Philipp Zschoche:
The Complexity of Transitively Orienting Temporal Graphs
MFCS 2021  |  arXiv (2021)  |  BibTeX

Aleksander Figiel, Leon Kellerhals, Rolf Niedermeier, Matthias Rost, Stefan Schmid, and Philipp Zschoche:
Optimal Virtual Network Embeddings for Tree Topologies
SPAA 2021  |  arXiv (2021)  |  BibTeX

Arnaud Casteigts, Anne-Sophie Himmel, Hendrik Molter, and Philipp Zschoche:
Finding Temporal Paths Under Waiting Time Constraints
Algorithmica (2021)  |  ISAAC 2020  |  arXiv (2019)  |  BibTeX

René van Bevern, Oxana Yu. Tsidulko, and Philipp Zschoche:
Representative families for matroid intersections, with applications to location, packing, and covering problems
Discret. Appl. Math. (2021)  |  CIAC 2019  |  arXiv (2018)  |  BibTeX

Tomohiro Koana, Viatcheslav Korenwein, André Nichterlein, Rolf Niedermeier, and Philipp Zschoche:
Data Reduction for Maximum Matching on Real-World Graphs: Theory and Experiments
ACM J. Exp. Algorithmics (2021)  |  ESA 2018  |  arXiv (2018)  |  BibTeX

Till Fluschnik, Hendrik Molter, Rolf Niedermeier, Malte Renken, and Philipp Zschoche:
As Time Goes By: Reflections on Treewidth for Temporal Graphs
Treewidth, Kernels, and Algorithms - Essays Dedicated to Hans L. Bodlaender on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday  |  arXiv (2020)  |  BibTeX

Till Fluschnik, Hendrik Molter, Rolf Niedermeier, Malte Renken, and Philipp Zschoche:
Temporal graph classes: A view through temporal separators
Theor. Comput. Sci. (2020)  |  WG 2018  |  arXiv (2018)  |  BibTeX

Philipp Zschoche, Till Fluschnik, Hendrik Molter, and Rolf Niedermeier:
The complexity of finding small separators in temporal graphs
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. (2020)  |  MFCS 2018  |  arXiv (2017)  |  BibTeX

Leon Kellerhals, Viatcheslav Korenwein, Philipp Zschoche, Robert Bredereck, and Jiehua Chen:
On the Computational Complexity of Variants of Combinatorial Voter Control in Elections
TAMC 2017  |  arXiv (2017)  |  BibTeX